Random in June


Just checked, the date of my last post is 21 May. Not sure where the time gone to, but I didn’t realise that I haven’t been posting for almost a month. There’s a week which I simply didn’t feel like turning on my laptop to do any typing when I’m at home, just don’t wanna face the screen at home. Guess brain cells been used up especially when […]

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Life is fragile


Life is fragile… We never know what happens next…death or tomorrow comes first. 好好真係每分每秒, 珍惜身邊你愛和愛你的人. 我們永遠都不會知道 , 明天是否是自己的最後一天 又或者, 明天, 它根本不會到來… 沒有什麼可以不可以, 而是要不要… 什麼值得執著, 什麼應該放下? 你決定吧…

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Watermark in images

Keep Calm

I used to have watermark in my images but as time goes by, it gets quite tedious that’s why I stopped doing that. Personally, I don’t really take nice pictures, so I doubt people will grab it…ha ha ha… Today, I found my picture in someone’s blog post. He/she grabbed it from this post and conveniently insert image from URL into his/her post. OH MAN, he/she didn’t even […]

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The Man’s Vacation in Bangkok

The Man Vacation Cover

Boyfriend came back from Bangkok last week from his 3D2N (company trip) + 3D2N (own extension 🙁 ). And yes, I’m not included :(. Sigh, what to do even though I’m unhappy. Kinda expected – who can resist a free trip? Well, of course it may not be important even with the fact that I once said “your next Bangkok trip has to go with me…” What to […]

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Very grouchy

Keep Calm

Had my birthday celebration last month and it’s his this month…on the 6th which is this Friday. Well, sad to say, I’m a bit unhappy about it. Sometime this year, he was away in Bangkok with his brothers for some so call brothers trip. In fact, he had his so call brothers trip twice to Bangkok! I’ve said that his next Bangkok trip has to go with me! […]

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Keeping Calm…

Keep Calm

I’m back…sorry that I’ve gone missing for almost 1.5 month…oh man… It had been a busy and stressful period and I hope that all will be over soon. In late June 2013, I was busy in preparing for my company’s participation in EnterpriseIT 2013 @ MBS and it coincide with the big hazy period of all times. Mood sucks, nose & eyes sucks too. Was tired and didn’t […]

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Are you a responsible road user?

Drive Safely

I’m so sorry, this might be a long post. Just wanna note down my encounter with a Blue Honda Jazz yesterday evening after work. To be honest, I am so tempted to put his car plate number here to let everyone knows about it, but that doesn’t seems nice. He definitely is not a new driver as he doesn’t have any “P” plate on the car. I was […]

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