Birthday Dinner – Sing Yi Seafood Garden (@Punggol – Tebing Lane)

Sing Yi Seafood Garden

After the high-tea buffet last week, his mama arranged a dinner with his cousin & bf and us on 12.12.12. Wow, really on eating spree in December. His cousin highly recommended Sing Yi Seafood Garden located at @Punggol (just opposite Frienzie). We frequent @Punggol quite often, especially Frienzie as it is the most decent chill-out place in Punggol. Besides Frienzie, there’s also Uncle Leong (another seafood restaurant), Ah Dong Teh Restaurant, Popeyes, etc.

Initially, we were quite reluctant to try Sing Yi again because we had a dinner once at the branch near Punggol Central (Blk 301, Coralinus) and the food was VERY SALTY and service was so-so. And also, there’s only 4 of us, and all the 5 dishes came was good enough for like a table of 6-7, all medium portion. Maybe we were in the wrong too, forgot to specify that we want all to be small portion, but the staff should be able to gauge or at least asked for our preference…

Anyways, back to the one at @Punggol, there are times when we were at Frienzie, we noticed that there weren’t many customers eating there. At most, 2 – 3 tables occupied on weekends and weekends slightly more. Not sure how long they can sustain while Uncle Leong’s Seafood is always packed. Well, since she highly recommended the Salted Egg crab, so here we are.

We ordered around 7 dishes for 5 of us…all small except for the vegetables, egg and pork knuckles (only 1 size).

Coffee Pork Ribs
Was sceptical as the Coffee Pork Ribs we had at the other branch was way too salty. Surprisingly, it tasted good here. Coffee taste was rich yet not bitter, and slightly sweet too.

Coffee Pork Ribs
Coffee Pork Ribs

Nyonya Pork Knuckles
The staff/supervisor highly recommended this dish and it turned out to be true. Pork Knuckles was fried till crispy (love the skin :p). The pool of gravy below is some Nyonya gravy, which is little sweet, sour and spicy. Quite appetizing and goes with with the deep fried pork knuckles. Not sure if it’s the sour taste, I don’t feel that greasy.

Nyonya Pork Knuckles
Nyonya Pork Knuckles

Fu Yong Egg Omelette
Hm…it’s slightly charred and the staff was kind enough to get it changed. The new one was nicely cooked, color was nice. But my bad, forgot to take picture of the new one. So, here’s the picture of the charred version. I’m not sure if there’s a standard list of ingredients to be used as different restaurants seems to have different items. Besides egg, there can be roast pork/ham/prawns/chicken, mushroom and onions, etc.

Egg Omelette
Egg Omelette

Stir Fry Nai Bai (Veg)
Not sure what this vegetables called, but it is pronounce as Nai Bai in Chinese. Not too bad, but will be good if it’s a little bit less salty.

Stir Fry Nai Bai with Garlic
Stir Fry Nai Bai with Garlic

Salted Egg Crab
Oh my, here comes the star! And it’s really good, as compared to some famous ones I had. Though it’s Salted Egg, surprisingly it’s not salty and a little bit of sweet taste to it. The sauce was rich, creamy and tasty… I don’t think they added milk or cream because I don’t feel uncomfortable after that. But it will be great if there’s more sauce, because it goes well with deep fried buns too… And most importantly, the crab is fresh.

Salted Egg Crab
Salted Egg Crab

We’ve also ordered Claypot Tofu and another Chili Crab which was served while I was happily eating the Salted Egg Crab. Ha ha ha… Will check with his cousin if she took any of those pictures.

Total bill added up to S$233.xx. For 7 dishes, I guess it was quite alright? The crab was at around S$42-S$45 per kg, couldn’t remember the exact price. Our crabs weighed 1.2kg each. If I remember correctly, the Pork Knuckles was like around S$20+. Anyways, we enjoyed the dinner, especially me!

Overall: ♥♥♥♥♥

Sing Yi Seafood Garden
10 Tebing Lane #01-01 S(828836)
Tel: +65 6441 0838

with love…

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