Tim Ho Wan at Plaza Singapura

Tim Ho Wan_Cover

Have always wanted to try the dim sum at Tim Ho Wan but the queue was way too long. Queuing for more than 1hr for a meal is too much for me…and my friends definitely have no patience to join me as well. Think the longest waiting time I waited was the dinner at Itacho Sushi with the gang. Think the wait was about 40mins and luckily I […]

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New Dining Experience – Yoshinoya

The long awaited Tim Ho Wan is finally here, opening the 1st branch at The Atrium @ Orchard, Plaza Singapura yesterday! Since am meeting JL last night, so I suggested to try our luck there. He he he… Well, as expected, the queue was indeed scary and not moving as fast… There’s sign indicated the estimate waiting time and the queue went all the way outside… If we were […]

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38 Dinner at Itacho Sushi, Plaza Singapura


Yes, I’m back at Itacho Sushi for dinner again. Wah, think the last time I was here was February last year. Oh my, it’s been a long time. This time with the gang, having dinner on 8 Mar 2013 (International Women’s Day aka 3 8 妇女节). We had a great time catching up, chatting :p Too bad, T couldn’t make it. Hopefully she will join us again soon…after […]

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A walk in the new Plaza Singapura

Cafe Cartel

Was passing by on Monday, realised that the new Plaza Singapura is done, so we’ve decided to go there for a walk last night after work. Wanna watch movie, but not much seats left, decided to watch another day. The extension isn’t as nice as the artiste impression which I saw previously. Perhaps, that’s what pictures are deceiving all about :p Anyways, it’s artiste impression… With the expanded […]

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Lovely Sunday…

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It is 1st July 2012 today, going into 2nd half of the year.  OMG, look at the rate time is flashing by…it really stops for nobody…  Time for some recap… Friday, 29 Jun 2012 Since it’s Friday, of course no one wish to stay late in the office.  Left office at 6:45pm (my earliest timing so far).  Went to the train station with Y, as she’s going to […]

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Dinner with the Gals

Suppose to meet the gals at 7pm, but I only managed to leave the office @ 645.  As usual I was late 😛  Reached PS at about 720pm. They went to Itacho Sushi instead as there’s some promotions going on.  Quite a cozy Japanese restaurant and it’s reasonably priced.  There’s one in Ion Orchard, but has always been long queue during meal times, PS and Bugis are 2 […]

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CNY Makan with Colleagues

Was craving for Japanese food last week.  I suggested to JL about having Sushi for lunch today since we are on half day!  Yippee…JL, LH, Ed, Jan, Tina and I are going after work!  Tina came from home and she brought the beancurd jelly and Bailey’s tiramisu! Forgot to take pictures of the food we ate 🙁  We had a good time!

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