Session with love….

Usually, he doesn’t like to meet me after work unless with company because I’m always late…  he he… Tuesday, he asked what time I knock off, we will go to a Blu Jaz, which is near my office. Surprise and happy. It’s not that crowded that night. Usually, it is pack with diners.  They serve finger food, soup, main course, desserts, beers, cocktails, wine, etc…. oh, and shisha […]

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开工大吉 – First Day @ Work

Into the 4th day of the Chinese New Year, and we are back to work in office.  Still in slack mood 😛  Officially off from Friday to Wednesday.  There’s only 6 of us in the office today, including boss.  3 of my colleagues went back to their hometown and will be back to work next week.  One on leave today. Some will choose an auspicious day to start […]

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Bel Ami

Bel Ami, another Robert Pattinson film will be coming to the theatres soon, scheduled to be released in March 2012.  But am not sure of the screening date in Singapore.  I hope I wouldn’t have to wait too long.  Finishing the novel soon 😀 Casts: Robert Pattinson, Philip Glenister, Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci, Kristin Scott Thomas Set: It is based on a French novel, which is set in […]

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Breaking Dawn Part 1

Watched the movie, and oh my…can’t wait for Part 2.  It’s a pity that Part 2 is the last movie for Twilight.  And I have to wait for a a year for it?  Hopefully not… In this movie, probably the wedding of Edward and Bella is the main highlight.  The baby?  After overcoming the difficulties, Edward and Bella finally got married.  The wedding scene is beautiful and of […]

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Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailer

Finally, it will be on screen on 18 Nov 2011, can’t wait… Going to read the story book before watching the movie… Watch the trailer on youtube, oh my, i love the wedding scene!  Bella’s gown is so nice.  It looks plain in front, but the back is NICE!  And Edward, still the same…looking great at all times… Catch the trailer here: Got the clip from SummitScreeningRoom

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